One way I cope with stress or strong emotions is ”capsuling” my thoughts. I turn on my reflective writing playlist and let it rip. So here it is:
Life’s a rock
You walk and you talk
And it spins under your feet
No day is the same so you’re bound to feel defeat
You think it would get easier but there are lots of days to fill
Emotions are just a run of the mill
I’m in a major shift
With weight on my back
Some days I crawl, other days I crack
Is something wrong with me
Can I be happy and content
If I’m not on stage
Writing a song
Or enjoying quality time
Maybe I’ve touched heaven on earth and it felt so good, that my mind knows better
and my heart wants water
Am I too ideal?
Wishing life was more simple
But let’s just be real
When living is this expensive
Your main hustle and your side hustle is the meal
So you dream and weigh all the thoughts that hustling entails
Cause if you don’t, no one will…
I hope you can(‘t) relate.
Written to Trains by Banker.
💚 Jade